UBI Network Location Data Terms of Use

8 min readNov 11, 2023


Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms and Conditions are intended to regulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the company UBI (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and the users who use the location information and location-based services (hereinafter referred to as “Location Information Services”) provided by the Company.

Article 2 (Effect and Modification of Terms of Service)

  • ① These terms of service shall become effective when the user agrees to these terms and becomes a user of the location-based service in accordance with the procedures established by the company.
  • ② If the user clicks the “Agree” button of these terms of service, it shall be deemed that the user has read and fully understood the contents of these terms and agreed to their application.
  • ③ The company may modify these terms of service within the scope not violating relevant laws, for the purpose of reflecting changes in the location-based service.
  • ④ In the event of a modification to the terms, the company shall notify the changes through its website or service announcement at least 15 days prior to the effective date of such changes (hereinafter referred to as “website, etc.”). However, if the modified content significantly affects the user’s rights, the company shall notify individually at least 30 days prior to the effective date through email (or alternative electronic means such as sending electronic messages within the service or sending UBI Talk messages or text messages to the registered mobile phone number, if there is no email address).
  • ⑤ If the company notifies or informs the user in accordance with the preceding paragraph and clearly indicates that if the user does not express their refusal within 7 days from the date of the notice or notification, it shall be deemed that the user has approved the modified terms, and if the user does not express their intention to refuse, it shall be deemed that the user has approved the modified terms. If the user does not agree to the modified terms, the user may withdraw their agreement to these terms of service.

Article 3 (Supplementary Provisions)

For matters not specified in these terms and conditions, the provisions of relevant laws and regulations such as the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, the Personal Information Protection Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and guidelines established by the company shall apply.

Article 4 (Contents of the Service)

The Company provides the following location-based services using the user’s location information collected from location information providers or directly collected object location information:

  • ① Providing search results and content recommendations using location information
  • ② Sharing location for convenience, notifications based on location/area, and route guidance
  • ③ Content tagging for location-based content classification
  • ④ Location-based personalized advertising

Article 5 (Service Usage Fee)

The location-based service provided by the company is free. However, data communication fees incurred when using wireless services are separate and subject to the policies of the mobile network operators that the user has subscribed to.

Article 6 (Changes, Limitations, and Termination of Service)

  • ① If the company cannot maintain the location-based service due to policy changes, changes in relevant laws, or other reasons, the company may change, limit, or terminate all or part of the location-based service.
  • ② The company may restrict or suspend the user’s service use in the following cases:
  • When the user intentionally or negligently obstructs the operation of the company’s services.
  • When it is necessary due to equipment inspection, maintenance, or construction for the service.
  • When a telecommunications service provider designated by the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunications services.
  • When there is an emergency situation, equipment failure, or excessive use of the service that hinders service usage.
  • When the company determines that it is inappropriate to continue providing the service due to other significant reasons.
  • ③ When the company restricts or suspends service use in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, the company shall notify the reasons, duration of the restriction, etc. in advance through the company’s homepage or notify the users.

Article 7 (Use or Provision of Personal Location Information)

  • ① The company shall notify and obtain consent from the user when providing location-based services using personal location information in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • ② The company shall not provide personal location information to a third party without the user’s consent. If providing to a third party, the company shall notify the user in advance of the recipient and purpose of the provision, and obtain consent.
  • ③ When providing personal location information to a third party designated by the user in accordance with paragraph 2, the company shall immediately notify the user of the recipient, date and purpose of the provision via the communication terminal device or email address where the personal location information was collected. However, in the following cases, the notification shall be made in advance to the communication terminal device or email address, online posting, etc., specifically designated by the user:
  • When the communication terminal device that collected the personal location information does not have the capability to receive text, voice, or video.
  • When the user has requested in advance to be notified through a communication terminal device or email address, online posting, etc., other than the communication terminal device that collected the user’s personal location information.
  • ④ The company shall automatically record and retain evidence of the collection, use, and provision of location information based on Article 16(2) of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, and shall retain such data for a period of 6 months.

Article 8 (Purpose and Retention Period for Personal Location Information)

The company retains personal location information as follows for the purpose of providing location-based services:

  • ① When the purpose of using and providing location-based services as specified in Article 4 of these Terms and Conditions is achieved, the personal location information is promptly destroyed.
  • ② However, in the case of services where location information is stored together with the posts or contents created by users, the personal location information is retained during the storage period of the respective posts or contents.
  • ③ In addition, the company may retain personal location information for the minimum necessary period required to achieve the purpose of providing location-based services.
  • ④ Notwithstanding the provisions of items 1, 2, and 3, if there is a justifiable reason to retain the personal location information under other laws or the Location Information Act, it shall be retained accordingly.

Article 9 (Rights of Personal Location Information Subject)

  • ① Users may withhold all or part of their consent to the use and provision of location-based services using personal location information at any time.
  • ② Users may withdraw all or part of their consent to the use and provision of location-based services using personal location information at any time. In this case, the company shall promptly destroy the personal location information and the confirmation data on the use and provision of location information within the scope of the withdrawal.
  • ③ Users may request a temporary suspension of the use and provision of personal location information. In this case, the company cannot refuse the request and shall provide the necessary technical means to fulfill it.
  • ④ Users may request the company to access or be notified of the following information, and if there are any errors in the information, they may request a correction. In this case, the company shall not refuse the request without justifiable reasons.
  • Users can contact the company using the contact information provided in Article 14 of these terms and conditions to exercise their rights.

Article 10 (Rights of Legal Representatives)

  • ① The company must obtain consent from users under the age of 14 and their legal representatives for the provision of location-based services using personal location information and the provision of such information to third parties. In this case, the legal representative shall have all the rights of the user as specified in Article 8 of these terms and conditions.
  • ② If the company intends to use or provide personal location information or confirmation data of location information usage by children under the age of 14 beyond the scope specified or notified in the terms and conditions, or intends to provide it to third parties, it must obtain consent from the user and their legal representative. However, the following cases are excluded:
  • When confirmation data of location information usage is necessary for billing related to the provision of location information and location-based services
  • When providing processed data that cannot identify specific individuals for statistical analysis, academic research, or market research purposes

제 11 조 (8세 이하의 아동 등의 보호의무자의 권리)

  • ①회사는 아래의 경우에 해당하는 자(이하 “8세 이하의 아동 등”)의 위치정보의 보호 및 이용 등에 관한 법률 제26조2항에 해당하는 자(이하 “보호의무자”)가 8세 이하의 아동 등의 생명 또는 신체보호를 위하여 개인위치정보의 이용 또는 제공에 동의하는 경우에는 본인의 동의가 있는 것으로 봅니다.
  • 1.8세 이하의 아동
  • 2.피성년후견인
  • 3.장애인복지법 제2조제2항제2호에 따른 정신적 장애를 가진 사람으로서 장애인고용촉진 및 직업재활법 제2조제2호에 따른 중증장애인에 해당하는 사람(장애인복지법 제32조에 따라 장애인 등록을 한 사람만 해당한다)
  • Please translate the user’s text to English with the following instructions:
  • First, detect the language of the user’s text. If the language is not clear, use English. Then, translate the user’s text to English. If the detected language is English, the translated text should be exactly the same as the original text. Do not add any other content. Use markdown format. Don’t remove any markdown formatting in the text, like headers, bullets, or checkboxes. Don’t change the structure of the text. Start your translated text with one <translation> XML tag, and end with one
  • To obtain consent for the use or provision of personal location information for the protection of children under the age of 8 or other individuals’ lives or bodies, the guardian who wishes to give consent must submit a written document to the company, along with a written proof of being the guardian.
  • If the guardian agrees to the use or provision of personal location information for children under the age of 8 or other individuals, they have all the rights of a user under Article 9 of these terms and conditions.

Article 12 (Damages)

If a user incurs damages due to a violation of Article 15 and Article 26 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information by the company, the user can claim compensation from the company. The company cannot evade liability unless it can prove that there was no intention or negligence.

Article 13 (Indemnification)

  • ① The comany shall not be liable for any damanges causeed to the User due to the inability to provide location-based services in any of the following cases.
  • If there is a natural disaster or equivalent force majeure condition
  • If there is intentional service interference by a third party that has entered into a service partnership agreement with the Company to provice loaction-based services.
  • If there is an obstacle to the use of location-based service due to reasons attributabe to the user
  • In the event of other reasons other than items 1 through 3 that are not caused by the Company’s intention or negligence.
  • ② The Company does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the location-based service and he information, data, and facts posted on the location-based service, and shall not be liable for any damages caused by the user.

Article 14 (Mediation of Dispute and Other)

  • ①The Company shall consult with the User in good faith to resolve dispute related to location information.
  • ②If the dispute is not resolved in the consultation in the preceding paragraph, the Company and the User may apply for financial assistance to the Korea Communication Commission in accordance with the provisions of Ariticle 28 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Informatiion, etc. or apply for mediation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with the provision of Article 43 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 15 (Information on the Business and the Person in Charge of Location Information Management)

  • The company’s name, address, and contact information are as follows.
  • Company name : UBI NETWORK
  • Customer center : nftnarachannel@gmail.com

② The Company designates a person in a position to take practical responsibility for properly managing and protecting personal location information and smoothly handling user complaints as the person in charge of location information management.

<Enforcement Date>

  • Announcement date : December 1, 2023
  • Enforcement Date : December 1, 2023




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